Dental Veneers

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Dental Veneers
Veneers are thin pieces of either porcelain or ceramic material that are carefully placed over your existing teeth to create that perfect smile.

Veneers replicate the feel and purpose of the tooth that may have chipped or stained.
They will improve the look, colour, shape, and position of the toot and can also be used to close small gaps between the teeth.
Will veneers damage my natural teeth?
The tooth that the veneer is bonded to will not be damaged in any way. If anything, the veneer helps to protect the tooth and let the natural recovery process occur.
How is the tooth prepared?
Bonding a veneer to a tooth is a simple and straightforward process. The tooth requires little preparation and the bonding agent is like a very strong, non-harmful super glue. Once the veneer is in place, it sets almost immediately and you can continue your daily routine as normal.
How do I take care of my veneers?
To maintain the beauty and structure of your veneers make seure you follow good dental hygiene pratcies of brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing at least once a day and scheduling regular dental visits.
From £550 each
From 45 minutes
At least two appointments will be needed for this treatment
Key benefits are improved confidence
Speak to use today if you would like more information and to book an appointment.