ICON treatment

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ICON treatment
ICON treatment is a revolutionary new treatment used to repair areas of tooth without any drilling by infiltrating resins, similar to the ones found in white filling materials.

It can also be used to mask white spots present on the front teeth.
Areas of weakened enamel or enamel that has developed with a white appearance are the primary focus of ICON treatment.
Book an appointment today to discuss how ICON Treatment can work for you.
How will I know if Icon treatment will work for me?
A quick test in surgery determines how responsive your teeth will be to ICON, and we can then discuss with you how best to manage any lesions.
How long will the treatment take?
From beginning to end, an Icon treatment may last around one hour.
Why should I consider ICON treatment?
Icon is less expensive than alternative treatments, including porcelain veneers.
From £150 per tooth
Appointment time will be dependent on case severity.
Only one appointment needed.
Treatment of early non-cavitaded cavaries. Easy solution to remove with spot.
Speak to use today if you would like more information and to book an appointment.