Emergency dental treatment

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Emergency dental treatment
We offer emergency dental treatments. There can be a number of reasons for the emergency dental appointment.

There are many reasons why you may need an emergency dental appointment including: dental pain, broken teeth, sore/bleeding gums, abscesses or lost crowns:
If you have any other emergency dental requirement, please inform our receptionist over the phone. We aim to accommodate patients the same day (subject to space).
All our dental team are very friendly and will do their best to provide you with dental assistance to put you at ease.
Please contact us if you have following symptoms:
• Swelling of your gum, cheek or face which is spreading. If the swelling is spreading down your neck, up to your eye or along the floor of your mouth YOU MUST ENSURE YOU MENTION THIS when you contact the practice.
• Excruciating pain which is causing a lack of sleep or concentration
• Mouth ulcers which haven’t healed after two weeks
• Recently had a tooth extraction and are experiencing bleeding which lasts more than 20 minutes, and can’t be stopped by biting down hard into a hankie/gauze
• Been following self-help advice for your problem but the pain is getting worse
• A broken tooth, which is causing pain and damage to your cheek or tongue, that you haven’t been able to manage with self-help advice
• Knocked-out a tooth
• Controlled bleeding due to facial trauma
When should I call the dentist?
If you are unable to control the pain or it is preventing you from doing your daily activities or working you should call us as soon as possible to make an appointment.
What will happen during my appointment?
Let us know when the pain started and any other useful information and we will look carefully at your mouth and teeth to access the situation.
What treatment will I have?
This really depends on the cause of the pain and the severity of the condition. Our expert dentists will make sure you have the highest quality of care.
£45 (excluding treatment fees)
Depending on severity of issue
Follow up appointments may be needed for treatment
Pain relief. Our dentists will provide you with important aftercare information.
Speak to use today if you would like more information and to book an appointment.