Tooth Extraction

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Tooth Extraction
At Minty Pearls we try every treatment possible to preserve the natural dental structure and avoid surgery, but in certain cases, tooth extraction is the healthiest long-term option.

Although our natural teeth are meant to last forever, certain accidents or dental conditions can cause pain, infection, inflammation, and even bone loss.
Some of the most common reasons why we perform dental extractions include:
-You have one or more decayed teeth that cause severe swelling and persistent pain
-A broken tooth that cannot be fixed through tooth restorations
-An unhealthy wisdom tooth that is difficult to clean, has multiple infections or comes through at an angle damaging the tooth in front
-You have sustained an injury where dental extraction is the only option
-Advanced stages of gum disease when a tooth is very loose or infected
It takes from 7 to 14 days for the spot of the extraction to heal and then you can resume your oral health routine as usual.
However, keep in mind that the gap left behind after tooth extraction can cause the rest of the teeth to shift over time, affecting the quality of your bite, which is why it is advisable to seek a tooth replacement solution.
What happens during a tooth extraction?
Some teeth can be simply pulled out under anaesthetic. In other cases For others, your dentist will need to make a small incision in the gumline to first expose the tooth, then remove it. You can even have several teeth removed at once.
What steps should I follow immediately after an extraction?
Pain and swelling are common after extraction, and they can be managed either with local ice bag applications or with painkillers.
To minimise the risk of infection, you will also need to eat only soft foods for the day after the extraction and refrain from smoking.
What replacement solutions are available to me?
Our experts can talk you through the teeth replacement solutions available, such as implants and dentures.
From £150 for a simple extraction. From £250 for complex extraction.
Speak with our team for more information
A couple of appointments may be necessary.
removing the source of your discomfort. Protecting surrounding healthy tissues and teeth.
Speak to use today if you would like more information and to book an appointment.