Our Philosophy
Here at Minty Pearls we are passionate about helping people be the best version of themselves by ensuring they have strong, healthy teeth and gums, a beautiful bright smile and clear, fresh skin.
Our Philosophy
Here at Minty Pearls we are passionate about helping people be the best version of themselves.

Strong, healthy teeth and gums

A beautiful, bright smile

Clear, fresh, hyrdated skin
I’m Dr Giso, the lead dentist at Minty Pearls.
I am a dentist with dermal therapy and aesthetics medicine education and l believe facial aesthetics, fresh and balanced skin, healthy teeth and a beautiful smile all goes hand-in-hand.
Imagine yourself in the morning when you’ve just woken up in front of the mirror in the bathroom.
What do you want to see?
A happy version of yourself with a glowing face and a big smile. This is what I would want to see.
Happiness comes from the inside, but I agree that sometimes how we look from the outside will definitely help us too.

In dentistry the aesthetics, health and functionality always goes hand in hand.
As a dentist I am an expert in teeth and oral health, but also a detailed knowledge of human anatomy and physiology in general, especially of the head and neck. I have developed many skills, such as:
Dealing with a range of patients on a daily basis means I have a in-depth understanding of the psychological journey each patient goes on. From children with no experience of a dentist visit to adult patients with dental phobias, I will male sure you feel safe and comfortable throughout your time with us.
I educate all my patients on oral health which is not only about brushing and flossing but also diet and lifestyle. Follow this advice will help you to avoid dental problems in the future.
Champion of excellence
Dentists’ ability to concentrate, persistence, and patience to accomplish tasks sets us apart from the majority of the population. Our relationships, attention, care and understanding of patients' needs and requirements are qualities that we develop every day with our patients in all age groups on a daily basis.
A dentist will always try their hardest to deliver the best service possible.
We constantly review the latest technology available and everyday we search for ways to improve our craft.
But throughout this, the most important quality of all is to have empathy and sympathy for each and every patient regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, religious or sexual beliefs.